Tue 21 Jan
¤¤~ New Location ~¤¤ *ExOtIc DomNiCaN FrEakA * SkY LaSt dAy CoMe OpeN ThiS GiFt.. 50 $$peciaL. - 19
(Bronx, WEBSTER AVE AND 233rd)
most exciting freakz!!! honey..315 876 2200... incalls only - 20
(Bronx, incalls only boston rd. conner st)
New pictures coming soon u guy watch nd stop throwing ur money away - 20
(Bronx, westchester ave/ whitlock 6 line)
¤¤~ New Location ~¤¤ *ExOtIc DomNiCaN FrEakA * SkY LaSt dAy CoMe OpeN ThiS GiFt.. 50 $$peciaL. - 19
(Bronx, WEBSTER AVE AND 233rd)
COmE on FanTasY rIde.wIt CoCo BuNNy ..FreaK inCallS onlY..... 315 359 8348 ..... - 21
(Bronx, incalls only BOSTON RD ND CONNER.....)
(( BRAND NEW)) €xOti© & sExY ~ cHErRy0$$$..315 876 2200!! N¡©€ bUbbLE BOoTy!!!!!! - 19
(Bronx, new england thru/ boston incalls)
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
T.O.P N.O.T.C.H DIVA is better than the rest!!!! €teRniTY sKy ((50 spEcIaLs)) 315 373 9928 - 19
(Bronx, bronx incalls only boston rd. conner st)
(( BRAND NEW)) ExOti© & sExY ~Scarlett 60/100/150 Ni©e bUbbLE BOoTy!!!!!! Uncover services ava..... - 19
(Bronx, new england thru/ boston incalls)
Sun 05 Jan
°°€xtr€meLy AddiCting £aTiNA°° ThICK & jUiCY... 50 speCiALs.. incalls only 1 315 373 9928 - 20
(Bronx, boston rd. conner st incalls only/80/130)
Sat 04 Jan
Bella aka brook is back with new friend destiany ...... 80each or 150both - 21
(Bronx, bronxs 10459)
°°€xtr€meLy AddiCting £aTiNA°° ThICK & jUiCY... 50 speCiALs.. incalls only 1 315 373 9928 - 20
(Bronx, boston rd. conner st incalls only/80/130)
WHITE GURLs *-*-* 80 both *-*-* 80 two gurl *-*-* 80 both - 21
(Bronx, sharidan exp 140 both 70 one gurl)
Fri 03 Jan