Tue 21 Jan
LEAVING town. LAST 5 days in the_ city_ THE - BEST 4 U - -u dont want to miss me!!! - 24
(BRONX 232street)
😈 Live Adult TS Entertainment ✈Dominican 👸 Xxotic looks 👀👀 Don't miss out Boys 😜👙 - 25
(Bronx, Washington Heights areauptown Manhattan)
௵ ℛ€L@XíNG time with me "╠╣◯иє¥ ßєє ℛUßY PERFECT ➓ - JUST ❶ WORD ▓█ G ▓█ O ▓█ R ▓█ G ▓█ E ▓█ O ▓ U ௵ - 23
(Other, MIDTOWN)
Mondays TS Erotic Playtime "BAR 13" 'DANCERS' " 2 Years -"NEW HOURS" 7PM-3AM UNION SQ - 25
(BAR 13 121 UNIVERSITY PL(13/14STS), Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Westchester)
😍NEW IN TOWN TS Barbie big azz amazing freak hot 😍 no cheap guys please incalls only out call hotels - 23
(Bronx, Other, Bronx , JEROME AVE SOUTHERN BLV)
I'm nycs Ts Maddie the nasty One in the bx a freak Latina π¥m¶h0 no Rules new pics - 25
(Bronx, in or out bedford park Jerome)
Like NO OTHER! Ultmate freaky TS EXPERIANCE Valiere ready 2 SHow You how its done - 27
(Bronx, fordham Rd little italy(incall)&outcall;)
🚕🚕🚕just arrived Jamaican Cocky(let's play no black men )😘😘 Fordham university - 23
(Bronx, 180th Webster)
Hosting ALONE- 100% Real PRETTY kinky curvy busty italian latina alone & Available NOW ! - 21
HOT Freak¥✈️80SupER THick✈️80🎉🎊💁🏽🍭🍑 ⚠️Avaliable NoW⚠️on Demand🍭🍥Dont MisSOut - 23
(165 st/3rd ave, Bronx)
★ ★ ★ EPIPHANY the 9.5" Kentucky Fried Tgirl! ★KENTUCKYFRIEDTG .COM★★ 240-593-1335 ★★iN & Outcalls★ - 23
ExOt!c Hott!e ..w!th.. a tH!CK bODY ..k!LLER cURVES Lusc!ous L!PS '' ! and.. a bOOTY!! - 23
(Boston Road-bronx)
@@@@@@ **** Especial $60 ^^^^ Special $60 Hot Dominican Especial $60 :-) You wont regret! Caliente! - 28
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)
(( I Want To Be YOur )) ______ (( S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S )) ___ (( HOT LATINA Ready 4 Watever )) __ - 21
HUNG 🍆 SEXY🔥H0t 💖Latin Bombshell 100% ACCURATe PICS... Here 2 Keep U Warm in This Weather👄 - 21
(3rd avenue, Bronx)
@@@@@@ **** Especial $60 ^^^^ Special $60 Hot Dominican Especial $60 :-) You wont regret! Caliente! - 26
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)
I am the girl you dream about I am the girl you want to complete all of your erotic fantasies😍 - 28
(187 little Italy bronx ny, Bronx)
D O N E gettin Foool! POST As Many Ads U WANT! At The END Of The day I'm TS In Pic They NOT! - 25
(Bronx, Visit actual to N pic NO BAIT NO SWITCH)
Enjoy a Real Transsexual! Click Here to Contact Me >>
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Facetime avail with tango, whatsapp and Galaxy 7 ó 6 hormones free. Big load 🍼🍼🍼ts-Kathy - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Other, Queens, South Bronx (929)391-7316, Westchester)
▀ ♥♡❤ Epiphany! Epiphany! EPIPHANY!★ ♥♡❤ ★ 240-614-1202★ ♥♡❤ IN & OUTCALL▀▄ - 23
(Bronx, ★★Bronx★ ★★ 240-614-1202)
💕💎fitness princess👄safe place 4 ur fantacy🎀 💛real pics★👄★ 💘💎SEXY ts •💛 💛💕 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx (incalls & out))
Genine in a BOTTLE! 2 Hott White Ts Fem-Bot's! Double Ur Funn!@!!! - 19
(Bronx, OutCalls or Nearest Motel near U!)
Hazel/Green BeautyQueen ❤️ Total package versatile TS - 28
(Bronx, Bronx / East Tremont ave by Jerome)
I 😘Am The WHOLE PACKAGE ♡ Brains, Beauty, Boobs, & Booty ♥ Dominican & Rican Mixx ♡👍 - 27
(Bronx, Little Italy, Bronx New York)
💋👉👉👉 Horny Sexy Latina SAMANTHA Ready Now Today and Tomorrow Call me Now Never Rush daddy 👈👈💋 - 25
(Bronx, E 180 st Morris park av Train 2 and 5)
COCO....^_^ =The Bombshell !! Would you like a sweet taste? - 28
(110th @ 8th ave near central park)
○★○♥Blonde Bombshell○★9.5 Full&Loaded;♥REAL PICS○★○ShemaleYum Model TS Angel - 23
(Bronx, 159st & St Anns Ave (2&5Train3Ave&149))
Your Ultimate Jr. tranny\crossdresser with full of Energy (vibrantly abusive) - 23
(Bronx, 180th Webster)
★ Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t!⛔STOP✋ NEW FLaWLeSS BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩ - - 24
(Bronx, White plains rd)
- - - - ----- - - > Your Dream T-girl 10000% Real Pics And Acurate Info!! THE REAL DEAL !!!! - 19
(Bronx, Washington Heights(IN&OUT;))
▓ ▒ ░ * **-* ௵ B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ H O T T Y_ ௵ *-* ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* NEW IN TOWN *•. - 24
(Bronx, 188th st /Fordham rd Area Hung!)
Better then her ⬆️or she⬇️FACETIME M3 NoW💟 ШѦRNⓘN, 💟A Treat You Can't Miss💟 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ ADDICTIVE💟 💟 - 23
(188 webster ave, Bronx)
Chocolate GoDDeSs Exotic Extremely SIZE MATTERS! 9" SeXXy & fully FUNCTIONAL Huge LOads P4p - 33
(Bronx, allerton white plains RD)
DNTFall4BULLSht👅Im Ts IN Pic! IM TS In PIC! NEVER Can be DUPLICATED👊 Stop Trying! Top/Btm 11.5FF - 25
(Bronx, South bronx in/outs & OUTS2CITY)
Drop a little load off 👅💋 🐴 Hung 9" bubble butt stick it in 💦 - 23
(Bronx, Story AV hostin /out calls to hotels)
^^^^^^ $70 Special $70 Special $70 Hot Dominican ********** Special $70 - 29
(Bronx, Bronx, New York)
9FFViSITING wiSh YoUr GiRlfRieNd haD a Lil SOmEthiNG XtrA BeTwEeN HeR LeGs - - 22
ALERT!! late night special. Stop! Get the real thing papi!.. 347 478 9878 im ready 24\7 - 26
(bronx by southern blv.)
💢 🔱 👑 ●❣●💗•*• :•.🌟🌟.•:* •●❣●💢YOUR #❶ •●❣●💢DREAM 🌟🌟 •●❣●💢GIRL 🌟🌟 •●❣●💢VISITING! :•.🌟🌟.•:*•💗 ●❣● 👑 🔱 💢 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx/233rdbaychester.av Monticello ave)
Bella latina .'' no photoshop, no fakes pics 100% real. VIP ONLY - 23
❤ AMAZING 👅💦💋 LusCious Lips 💋 ❤ ❤BEAUTIFUL❤ ❤ YOUNG ❤ ❤ VERY HOT ❤ ❤ 8" F.F. ❤ ❤ SEXY TS❤ ★ - 23
(Bronx, Off allerton ave)
----- > Outcalls Double The Beauty --- > Outcalls ----Must be picked up -- - 19
(Washington Heights)
(((@)))100% THE REAL DEAL ¡¡¡¡¡¡♥¡¡¡¡¡¡ No FAKES, No GAMES ★★★★★ GUARANTEED. - - 26
(Manhattan, Midtown west)
🍒Ur PLAyB⭕️Y BUNNi🐰 👅F®∈AⓚY ✨✨ SHOOOOTER 💦 very Sєxy Dír†y Li††le SECRE† 💥 9.5XL" BANANA🍌💦 - 21
(Bronx, Southern Blvd / NEW 💥 parTy girl 💥)
wHaT yOuR hEaRt DeSirE..*verse* FF* well hung * come get a taste of this chocolate 317-418-06-95 - 23
(Bronx, THE BRONX)